

Choose four subjects from the eight available (one of the four must be Mathematics). Refine your subject choices during the following three years of your BSc degree.

No decision about subject choice is necessary until four weeks after commencement of first year. This gives you a chance to sample various subjects and make an informed decision.

Science at MU challenges students to consider new perspectives and new ways of approaching problems and ideas.

MH201: Offering you flexibility to decide which area of Science you excel in!


Choose Mathematics and 3 Subjects

Continue with 3 of the 4 chosen subjects

Continue with 2 of the 3 subjects taken in 2nd year

Double Major with your 2 chosen subjects or Single Major in 1

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Hear from our current students about their experience with MH201

Watch to find out more about what you can do with Science at MU

Use this webpage to discover how others have navigated the freedom of the MH201 Science Degree and to ask any questions you might have.

1st Year2nd Year3rd Year4th Year


Student Testimonials

Hi, am Cormac! I'm in Second year of the MH201 General Science Degree studying Engineering Science, Computer Science and Maths. I initially studied Chemistry in First Year as my fourth subject in first year. I chose the MH201 Degree when I was completing a PLC. I knew I wanted to study Science and once I got my results, I knew I had a great chance of getting into the MH201 Science Degree. This course has helped me make friends with those in many different paths from Engineering to Biomedical Sciences to  Computer Science. 

Cormac Regan Headshot

Hi I'm Oisin! I knew early in sixth year that I wanted to study Theoretical Physics, so I looked at the courses available throughout Europe. Of all the courses available, MH201 stood out for its variety of excellent pathways. Through the General Science degree, I was able to study Physics & Maths, along with Chemistry & Experimental physics in first year, before specialising into Theoretical Physics & Pure Maths in second year. Having this experience in different areas really helped me land internships in applied sciences, which in turn has enabled me to work in CERN, Geneva this summer. I'd recommend MH201 to any prospective scientists, as it gives you the opportunity to enter any area of the scientific world. Whether it's research, industry, software, science outreach, education, or finance, you can craft a pathway into any career you can think of! My advice to any incoming students is to really chance your arm at everything! 

Oisin Davey Headshot

Hi, I'm Hayley! I chose to study MH201 when I was filling out my CAO application and I am so happy that I did! I was able to explore a range of science subjects, where I then chose to specialise in Maths and Chemistry.  Studying Maths and Chemistry in Maynooth University is challenging but interesting, intriguing  and rewarding. Both departments offer a large range of modules that allow students to explore all aspects of their subjects and develop their interests in certain areas. Chemistry, among other subjects, have labs where we get to carry out experiments and get a feel of what it really is like to be a scientist. Each department has a large amount of support available to students and will help wherever they can.My experience with students studying the same or similar subjects to me has always been positive. Even though Maynooth has more students than you would see in Secondary School,  it feels like the students in this course and other courses sharing modules are like one big family!

Hayley Rodgers headshot

Hi, I'm Fiachra! Deciding on a Science Degree on your CAO? When I was filling out my CAO, I chose MH201 because of the wide choice of subjects and the solid foundation it offers in the sciences! I explored lots of different subjects before finally settling on my speciailism, Biology. I applied to the CAO through the DARE scheme and luckily, I was offered my first choice of course. I’m happy I chose MH201 because it’s given me a wide-ranging understanding of different scientific fields. The supportive environment and hands-on learning opportunities have made my experience enjoyable while also preparing me for the future. Once I graduate, I hope to pursue a master’s degree in global health and immunology here at Maynooth University. I highly recommend Maynooth University and the MH201 program to prospective students! The campus life is dynamic, with plenty of activities and opportunities for personal and academic growth. Whether its joining clubs and societies or taking part in research projects there are lots of ways to make the most of your college years.

Fiachra Smith headshot

Cormac Regan 

2nd year Student

Studying Electronic Engineering, Computer Science and Maths

Oisin Davey

3rd year Theoretical Physics & Pure Maths

Fiachra Smith

4th year Single Major Biology

Hayley Rogers

4th year Mathematics (Applied) & Chemistry

Alumni Testimonials

I was always interested in studying Science, particularly Physics and Maths, but wasn’t fully sure which direction I’d like to go in college. I chose to study the Bachelor of Science degree as I thought it would give me a broad scientific education, whilst also allowing me to specialise in topics I was more interested in. 

My background in Science gave me an excellent grounding in mathematics and also provided me with a mindset that has proven invaluable for the work I now do in Data Analytics. I find myself asking questions such as, how does a system work, why did we get one outcome rather than another, have the conditions/environment changed during a process? These are all core principles of Scientific Thinking which I learned throughout my degree. To excel in data analytics in business, being able to derive actionable insights from your dataset is essential. 

I have enjoyed working in a diverse number of fields over my career so far, such as fashion buying, scientific research and data analytics.  I feel that my training in General Science specialising in Mathematical Physics has allowed me to thrive in these areas. I am now Director of Analytics at CitySwift a start-up which specialises in Transport Intelligence.

Sarah McCartan headshot

I started my journey at Maynooth University in 2017 when I began my undergraduate in MH201, BSc Science. I chose this course because it allowed me to experience different areas of science – I studied Physics, Maths, Biology and Chemistry in my 1st year.

The diversity of the MH201 programme is exceptional. As a 17-year-old starting college, my knowledge of science and scientific careers was limited, as am I sure most are. I did myself a favour by having MH201 down on my CAO. I got to experience different parts of science, which were all very intriguing, and with that I gained a more well-rounded view of the world of science. 

Throughout my degree I found modules that I really enjoyed. When 4th year came, I knew exactly what I wanted to do, and my career path was a lot clearer because I gave everything a chance and tried different subjects that were available to me through MH201. 

I am now a 3rd year PhD student in Glycoscience at Maynooth University in the Department of Chemistry. I love the area that I am in, research is a place where you make decisions about what you want to do and where you want to go. It provides a lot of travel opportunities as well.

Andreea Cislaru headshot

Sarah McCartan

Director of Analytics at CitySwift 

Andreea Cislaru 

PhD candidate in Glycoscience

Hear from the Chaser Dr Darragh Ennis about his experience on the course

MH201 Course page
Find MaynoothCAO on social to find out more!

I chose MH201 at Maynooth University as it gave me the opportunity to find where my interests and strengths were before committing to one scientific discipline. For my degree I completed a double honours in Experimental Physics and Chemistry. I loved that this course gave me the freedom to study both fields simultaneously. This gave me a great base to pursue my career in either field. I also loved studying at Maynooth University, it has a great campus along with involved and enthusiastic lecturers in all the faculties that I have been taught by over the course of my four years there. 

I currently work in Photonics, although more physics leaning, makes great use of both sides of my initial degree combining elements of Experimental Physics and Chemistry

I would highly recommend this course if you have a love for science but are not sure yet where to focus your studies, especially when in the first year of your degree you get to experience multiple disciplines.

Katelin Smith

Senior Engineer at Lumiphase